Wednesday, February 9, 2011

1 Week Birthday

West is now 7 days old!!!! This week has been a new learning experience  :)  for all 3 of us.  West has slept really well at times and during a couple of the nights he decided that midnight to 4am was not a time that mom and/or dad should be sleeping.  However, he has gained weight, looks to have grown enough, and every time I look at him he seems to have changed (I know, I know...get used to it right?).  Today was an eventful day. We went back to the hospital to complete West's registration of birth, this was a long and eventful process in and of itself; but the end result is leaving the hospital with a Singapore birth certificate and an immigration form "Welcome to Singapore" that we filled in for West.  We also went to the Kodak store and were able to his passport picture.  Noelle's parents have been here for the birth of baby West and have been a huge help. The following pictures are a short account of this week. From the immigration form to the passport photo attempts (The US Government required the picture to be on a white sheet with no hands obstructing the picture and with eyes open...this was not an easy task).

1 comment:

Jenn said...

YAY Happy One Week Birthday West!
Love, "Aunt" Jenn