Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wish we were better at this

Noelle and I apologize for not being better at this blog thing.

So, here is the just of what has been going on in the past three months.

-Spring Break in the Philippines with my sister and mother. We helped with an orphanage in Mindanao.
- Cultural service trip to Indonesia with 5 students. We lived with a village of Muslims and learned about their culture through eating their food and living how they lived.
- I led a father son retreat to Indonesia...No we don't have kids, but it was a great time to help men and their sons grow in appreciation for manhood and biblical character development.
- Noelle and her Bhangra team had an awesome opportunity to go to the President of Singapore's house and dance for him, his family and his friends.

Now we are planning our summer break. Noelle will spend three weeks in Indonesia working on her acquisition of the Indonesian language.

While she is in Indoneisa I will go to Vancouver and spend some time with family and friends. I fly in on June 18th and fly out on June 29th.

Please pray for the school and enrollment.

1 comment:

Leo and Jen said...

You guys have been on my heart a lot lately. Not sure why but I've been doing a lot of little prayers for you. Hope all is well. We love you guys!

~Jen and Leo