Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Pictures from Singapore

These are some of the cute kids at our school. They are perfoming our Christmas musical
This is a picture of some of our friends (whom we also work with) after the Christmas Program.
This is our staff here at ICS Singapore. We have grown to nearly 400 students and 50 staff
As the High School student leadership advisor I get to party with my students. This is a "Lock In" in which I sucomb to 12-18 hours of staying up all night and entertaining students. Luckily I have a great student council who does most of the entertaining and planning. This month I officially graduated with a Masters degree in Educational Counseling from the University of Buffalo. I have not actually had a graduation ceremony yet, but they promise me it is coming. This is a picture of me and my classmates.
Noelle and I during School Spirit Week

It was Fictional Character Day.

Can you guess who we came as?

Christmas 2007 celebrated for the 2nd consecutive year
at the Hane household. Verne and Natalie Ward were
there, which means we have been with them every
Christmas since we were married.

We took care of this Maltese puppy over Christmas break. The family who owns him (Noelle's Principal) is moving to Argentina next year and giving him away. Should we take him?


J said...

Awww, that first picture of the kids melts my heart...of course. I'm so glad that you're doing a blog! I'll be praying for your upcoming trip to China. You are beautiful people...blessings, blessings dear friends.

Kendra Joy said...

This is such a great idea - what a great way to keep all of your friends and family in the states (and elsewhere) updated on what you two are up to, and how we can be a part. These pictures are GREAT! Keep on blogging!

Leo and Jen said...

Looks like the blog fever has caught on. It is nice to see what we are each doing without the commitment of having to write all sorts of personal letters. I'll be putting you on our link so we can check often! Surprisingly it's been pretty easy and fast to maintain. I kept thinking... "who has time in their busy schedule to blog"... and now here we are-- welcome to blogaholics anonymous. As far as the pooch.... or should I say "the poops" (for anybody else who might be reading this, it's a quite embarrassing story) I'd say he's cute... but if your lives are busy, you'll always have to be considering what to do with the little guy/girl. On the up side, they are great companions and make for all sorts of embarrassing stories. We love you guys... and miss you TONS!!! ps. I'm definately enjoying Sam as the treasure troll. At least I think that's what the aim was! The question is, does he have a little jewel in his bellybutton? Glad we know what to pray for.... (not the jewel, but the actual prayer requests!) Love you guys! ~Leo and Jen