Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pictures from China

Me attempting to do what Noelle does so well.
50 students trying to do what Noelle does so well.
Ben chillin with the Stone Forest police
Stone Forest dude and me chillin
The Men of the ICS English group
Chillin in the Stone Forest with my students
They gave me the instrument and I strummed my way into the hearts of the Chinese people
Why? Because I'm a rock star!
Can you guess what's missing? :(


but i guess Ryan on my shoulder and Tim in pink are ok.

Dave and I in Kunming. It was great to see him and his family again.
Can you believe it? A Wal-Mart Super Center in China. It wasn't quite the same, but still a wonderful experience
Stevi and I at the Stone Forest, I equate this national bark to a grey stone version of Bryce Canyon (just smaller...a lot smaller)
I have no idea what that sign behind me says, I think someone told me though.
This is probably the ugliest picture of me ever.


Leo and Jen said...

We especially are enjoying your little leg lift in the last picture! Oh, and why wasn't Noelle doing what Noelle does best in the pictures? It was fun to see you doing the over emphasized hand signals!

Anonymous Scout said...

The sign behind you says "Stone Forest."

石林 is pronounced "Shilin"